Thursday, July 3, 2008

My 1st Blog

This is the first blog I've ever done. I'm not too sure what to say, but I'll give it a whirl. I'm starting on a journey. I love starting journeys. It makes life so exciting. If you don't push yourself sometimes you'll get stuck in a rut.

There's nothing special about me. I'm a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 4. My kids are all grown with kids of their own. They are and will always be the light of my life. They don't live too far away. They live in Columbia, MO and I live in a suburb of Kansas City on the south side in Kansas. It's about a 2/3 hour drive, depending on how many times I stop along the way. With work and everything we are all doing, its hard to get together. I miss them and wish I was closer.

I've been an Administrative Assistant/Office Manager for a Commercial Real Estate company for the past 12 years. I do free lance writing on various subjects on the side. I write about stuff that interests me. I've done many diverse things in my years here on this earth. Some I'm very proud of and like most, some I'm not. However, even those things have brought me where I am today, so I'm not sorry for them. I don't consider failure an option. I much rather call it learning! I believe we're here to learn and grow and develop spiritually as well as intellectually. I like to reach inside and challenge myself. That's what I'm doing with this blog. I hope you enjoy it.

Here's something I delving into. It's called Wealthy Affiliate. It is by far the best learning site for internet marketing available today and the really cool thing is, the price is very reasonable, and if it's not for you, you can cancel your membership at any time, but I don't believe you will, because the information is so helpful!

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